Gestational Surrogate

Gestational Surrogacy in Canada

At PCRM, we understand the profound desire for parenthood and the unique paths that lead to it. Our surrogacy program is designed to offer hope, support, and expertise to those navigating the extraordinary journey of building a family.

A gestational surrogate, also known as a gestational carrier, is a woman who carries a baby on behalf of the intended parent(s). The gestational surrogate is not genetically related to the baby. This is different from ‘traditional surrogacy’, where the woman uses her own egg to produce the embryo for the intended parent(s).

Is Gestational Surrogacy Right for You?

A gestational carrier might be indicated when the intended parent(s) cannot carry a baby. This could be for a number of reasons, including:

How Gestational Surrogacy Works

For a gestational carrier pregnancy, the intended parents produce embryos through an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle which are then transferred into the gestational carrier’s uterus. The resulting baby will have the genetic makeup determined by the sperm and the egg and will not be related to the gestational carrier.

The gestational carrier or surrogate can be a family member, a friend, or an acquaintance. Canadian law outlined in the Assisted Human Reproduction Act stipulates that people in Canada cannot be paid for sperm, eggs, or surrogacy services. This means that the person must be altruistic and only receipt-able expenses may be reimbursed. Legal advice from a firm specializing in third-party reproduction is recommended.

If you are considering building your family with a gestational carrier or surrogate, please ask to see one of our third-party reproduction coordinators.

Here is some additional information written by our PCRM doctors that you might find useful:

Frequently Asked Questions About Surrogacy

Schedule a Gestational Surrogacy Consultation

Our team welcomes the opportunity to discuss possible treatment paths with you, including gestational surrogacy.

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