Your First Visit

First, give yourself credit for starting. Or for starting again.

This is a big step, and one that may trigger some excitement, and anxiety as the date approaches. We find that setting expectations and providing helpful checklists can help settle some nerves and leave you feeling empowered. Our team is happy to share a guide we’ve put together to make your first experience as great as possible.

Download Guide or Request a Consultation

Before your appointment

After making your first appointment with PCRM, you will receive an email link with a username and password for our electronic medical records (EMR) system. We ask that you complete your patient intake form in our EMR as soon as possible to prepare for your upcoming appointment. Click here to access our Patient Portal.

If we ordered lab work for you, please remember to access the test forms via the patient portal as well. A Fertility 101 module will also be provided for you to watch if you are a brand-new patient, the videos are designed to help you get prepared for your initial consult.

There are many paths to building a healthy family, which is why it’s so important we understand your unique story and medical history.

This information will help guide our recommendations, and we gather it in two ways:

  • New patient forms: Fill these out in the Prelude Connect app at least two days before your appointment.
  • Electronic release form: Signing this permits us to access relevant notes and records from other providers.
  • Our referrals team will have forwarded any laboratory testing for you and your partner – in order for your specialist team to make treatment recommendations, these tests are important to complete

What to bring to your appointment:

On the day of your appointment, we ask that you arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Please complete and bring the following to your appointment:

  • Provincial Health care card and Extended Health insurance coverage information
  • Military Health care card or Refugee Health insurance paperwork if applicable
  • Photo ID

During your appointment

During your telephone appointment, you can expect your care provider to arrive having reviewed the information you shared and ready to discuss potential treatment options based on your history and goals. We encourage you to ask questions and share thoughts that came up during your own preparation.

Your Specialist will first review your portal history and ensure full and accurate information. The Doctor will then review the lab results that you have done, and discuss the next steps for either investigation or treatment. You will then have time to ask questions. Consultations typically take 20 – 30 minutes.

Phone appointments have a +/- 45-minute window – although your Physician is usually very prompt, they may call earlier or later than your scheduled appointment.

After your appointment

After you have completed your initial consultation, you will be given a treatment plan to consider. If a treatment plan is in place then you’ll be messaged by our dedicated financial counselor to discuss cost, insurance coverage, and possible payment options tailored to your treatment plan.

If there are other steps to complete before a treatment plan can be created for you then we will guide you on the next steps and then let you know when you should consider booking a follow-up to complete the plan.

Many patients are eager to get started with the recommended treatment plan as soon as possible. Some diagnostic testing may be required (by Health Canada) prior to starting treatment and our team will work with you to make sure they are completed. If no further testing is needed, your Physician will make a treatment plan to get started on achieving a pregnancy. There are many options your Doctor will review, however, the Specialist will also make a recommendation as to the right option to pursue. The Doctor will connect you with your care team so that you can correspond and confirm the treatments you wish to complete.

Preparing for treatment

Our team will work with you to define a specific timeline and plan your treatment — a process that is unique to each patient. You can expect thoughtful expertise and unmatched compassion at each step.